I dont know how to really start this whole blogging thing. However i guess i will just put what i am thinking on to this page or blog, whatever you will wish to call this.
The reason why i start this blog today was because, i was at my friends gig this evening and he was singing songs about how hard life can be, and how you should deal with the cards you are dealt with in life. No nonsense about ''you can change your cards'', because surely if you could change the cards you are dealt with, you would be a completely different person. And at the end of the day, no matter how bad your life is (some people may choose to disagree) there is alarge part of yourself, life, that surely would make you not want to change. surely? right? Because when i think of ''changing the cards you were dealt with'' i just think of the 80 to 20 rule. And what i mean by that is,
The 80% is everything that is good in your life, Family.wife/girlfriend. friends and so on. And the 20% is the things you hate, Job,no money and so on. Because when you really look at your life from, lets say a list of bullet points, your life probably isnt actually that bad at all is it? I know the bad points out way the bad alot of the time. But if they werent bad, they wouldnt be bad. If you get what im saying?
For example, i was walking down town today thinking, ''argh, why arent i in the army yet!?'' ''i wana have a lads holiday!'' all this sort of stuff most 18 year old guys think (maybe not the army part) but then i think, when i get in the army (if i do) i will be wanting to be out of there and sitting on my bed wanking and playing xbox to my hearts content. But at the moment, wanking and just playing the xbox seems boring compared to firing a gun, dressed up in camo blowing things up. But when you think about it, i will have to be up at 5.15 sharp! go for a 10 mile walk with 50lb's on my back and a officer shouting ''cunt. move it'' and that doesnt sound to appealing. HOWEVER, when i want to be at home wanking shooting ''noobs'' on COD i will be bored thinking '' i could actually be shooting real noobs in the army! aka the rest of the world!'' so the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side, no matter how you look at it. Just like the bad points in your life.
Writing all that down without someone in my ear going ''no, actually. thats wrong because....'' feels pretty damn good. I can see now why people write blogs!......so i may carry on!
As you just read, i am trying to join the army, to make a better person of myself and protect this fine country we call ENGLAND. I know (as most teen guys trying to join the army would say) ''im doing it to kill people yeah! im gunna fuck them up! and be hench!'' when really im doing it for the reasons i stated. However, the thing about joining the army, or in my case, trying to join the army is all the fecking annoying long haired unshaven uni kids saying '' oooh, the army eh? what did you not get good grades at school and cant join in with people like us?'' well to be honest ''uni people'' you are studying drama? music? and art? hmmmm, to be honest, wouldnt really wana get involved in your ''groups'' anway. I mean, they look at people going to college or the army as dumb thugs that want to kill everyone? :-/. They way i see it ( in my dumb thuggish mind) is we are people that enjoy ourself, not in a chavy way, but are more likey to get laid and have a great time in life. Yeah the first few years of being a teen maybe hard for us in eductation or with jobs. But at the end of the day, if someone is calling us a ''cunt'' or our girlfriends etc. We will stand up for ourselfs and not be a loser and weak. So next time you come to me with a drama degree and need help when you're getting beating up. Dont asking me :) twats!
This blogging thing, feels REALLY good!
Well, anyway. I guess this is the end of my first blog.
So nighty night or good morning. afternoon where every you are in the world or whenever your reading it :)
love ya all ;-)
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